Friday, November 11, 2011

LIfe is Sum of All the choices .....


I came across this beautiful quote and since then I have been pondering the truth ness of this statement. To me , it sounds like an axiom.
Its a very pragmatic way of putting life in one sentence. We all go through experiences good or bad at every stage in our life.We learn from bad
experiences and cherish the good ones to make our heart, head and soul feel good. We constantly strive for goodness and happiness .We search for happiness
and often feel sad coz We have so many of unanswered questions to ourselves.We fight, we suffer and ultimately end up on either a positive or negative note. To say the least,We actually accept the things and become content in ourselves. In introspection, We regret many decisions ,which had made our life uncomfortable for sometime or may be it is still troubling. We wonder what We have actually made our lives. We wanted something and ultimately we ended at entirely something else. We constantly live in past and think of "YUH HOTA TO KAISA HOTA?"

Looking back to the past, when we began to think about how this life has actually turned out to be today.We will actually struck at two/three vital points in the journey of our lives.It doesn't matter how old you are?, everyone has at least these many turning points in his life.If you are older ,you might have some more twists based on your experiences.Coming to the points, if we actually analyze the situation at that point of time, we would certainly notice that there were always two ways (decisions) to be taken at that time.One would please everybody and other will please only you but quite risky.Obviously,people with good Buddy Syndrome often chooses the 1st choice and those who dint have any obligations actually went out of the box and chose the second one.Obviously, they were at least loyal to themselves and yes they fight to the risks involved. But,At the end of the life, it doesn't matter what path you had taken, but if you can actually recount the quality time you had in the journey, and you are satisfied by the count ,you ll b said to have lived a happy life. Now, again this quality time definition is a relative one and depends on perception of each individual.

Point what I am trying to put is that whatever situation you are in present scenario or will be in at the last day of your life,if you look back and analyse,u will notice life is sum of all the choices that you have made in your lives. Nothing can be branded as good or bad .Its all relative and so life should be lived on own terms and not someone other's.But are we able to say that in our present context? A certain No..A free bird can reach any sky but then it has to be free. Free from every thing materialistic and should have that much of all spirituality.

Wish all a Happy life and hope that we constantly question ourselves to explore the True soul within ourselves ,So that when that point of critical decision making comes,We are able to analyse,what We want and not our decision be influenced by the society and materialistic world and when we look back we can say --yes!! This is my life and I have made the most of it ..:)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Continual Learning

Mumbai,3.16PM 17thJun2011

The art of learing can never stop in one's life.We tend to learn every minute thing coming across us in this life.
Things happen everyday at its own pace,but it is we who perceive it fast or slow according to our needs or will for that reason.Now the thing is that when we tend to learn so many thing every single much we learn to from our previous faults and rectify it to move ahead in life.There are many things which are not in our control.I truely believe that there is a central force that guides every thing.If you are not getting something you desperately wanted, certainly there is some reason in that.Its not yours entire effort that can let you there.There is something called destiny on which we dont have any control.There will be heart-breaks in life.Sometime, you will feel that everything has just suddenly ended.World has stopped for you.Life has got its charm lost for you.You feel so heavily loaded that you even stop to see yourself in mirror too becoz you dont like it.You had all that hopes and dreams, n you feel shttered all of a sudden.But, have we analysed that this is again a part and parcel of life.We ultimately learn so many things in the entire process.Sometimes, we feel so many emotions at one point only and once we are done with all these,we actually come with more stronger emotional quotient.We take the entire episode in true perspective and cherish the good old memories of the past.only one thing that makes us face all those tough time is the ability to ACCEPT the things and bow yourself to the supreme.Yes, time is the biggest healer,it heals all the is the divine truth of life that we all move on.the point here is again that we should learn everything through this experience.This is what makes a person's life valuable.I will strees again that there are things which are not in your control.So, better accept it and move ahead.the thing is that you will never have your life back,so be optimistic in your approach and thinking.Crests and Throughs are part and parcels of will come and go as a cycle.No event in one's life is that big which can make him unhealthy.These all are a very small things based on the larger canvass of life.Who knows, when u will look on it someday afterwards, you might laugh on it and take it as a learning, moral of the story is to learn and move ahead in life.This is what life is and this is the way it will be and downs will always be cheers for present time.Be happy n keep smiling :)